London here we come!!
Although the weather was wet and miserable, that did not dampen the spirits of the Year 6 children and adults!
We made our way after registration to the tube station for our journey to the London Eye and IMAX Cinema.
The London Eye proved a great success! The children could not believe that we were actually moving as it went round so slowly! We were lucky enough to have a guide for our journey to point out all the interesting places that we have in London and also a great number of historical facts. 
Did you know Big Ben is actually the name of the bell and not the clock?
Excited children after the London Eye!
As it was raining, we made our way to the IMAX Cinema early to have our lunch in the warmth!
When we went into the auditorium, we were all given HUGE glasses to wear (see pictures below!). The children loved the film and even the adults jumped out of their seats a few times when the dinosaurs came towards us!
I think I can safely say that by the sound of the conversations on the train home, the children thoroughly enjoyed their day out in London!
Let's hope the rest of the week continues to be as much fun... but nicer weather would be nice!!!
Well I certainly enjoyed the first day of Activity Week!
ReplyDeleteI am not afraid to admit that I was one of the adults that jumped out of my seat when the dinosaurs came near!
Well done Year 6 on your fantastic behaviour today, let's hope the rest of the week is as good!
Miss Simmonds
A good day had by all! Well done Miss S for organising such a great day out!
ReplyDeleteIt was great fun,funny,exciting,scary,it was very very good!!!It was awersome,we all had a great day out in London.THANK YOU TEACHERS!!
From Activity group
My son had so much fun!!! Thank you to all teachers!
ReplyDeleteHi its Khia we all had great fun really sad its over if only that was our normal week thanks teachers FOLLOW THE LEADER
ReplyDeletehii u guys ,its leah,thanks techers and that 4 organising the activity group/week.a great week was had by all (i hope) THANKS GUYS