Day 2 - Fairlop Waters
Today we went to Fairlop Waters to take part in sailing and bellboating activities.
At first we were a bit worried because of the weather, but Miss Simmonds rang Fairlop and they said there would be no problems for us to go and have a good day!
There were a mixture of feelings, some of excitement, anticipation and fear! On the way to Fairlop Waters, there was a lot of talking about falling in the water! It wasn't only the lake we had to worry about getting wet in, on our way through Penrith Park we were faced with a water logged path and Miss Simmonds getting stuck climbing through a barrier!
Help! I'm a teacher... Get me out of here!
AAARRGGHHH!!!! No way through!!!!!
Luckily good old Ann and Luke found a hole in the hedge which we squeezed through! When we finally arrived at Fairlop Waters, we were given a brief safety talk, split into groups and kitted out into very fashionable wetsuits!
All the girls ready to go!
Miss Simmonds and Ann's group raring to go!
Michelle and Luke's group waiting eagerly to get on the lake!
"Breath in Luke, the instructor has told me to tighten yours!"
We were split into two groups, one went sailing first and the others went bellboating. In the afternoon we swapped over.
With the sailing, we were given instructions to rig up the sail and place the udder in the correct position. We were then left on our own to steer the boat from one end of the lake to the other. We all did very well and managed to stay on course!
The bell boaters had to work together as a team to steer a large boat around the island and up and down the lake. We were given a task when we stopped right in the middle of the lake to swap seats with the people at the other end of the boat. This was great but the best bit was when the adults thought they had got away with not doing it had another challenge! They had to walk down the middle of the boat while we rocked it! Ann and Luke managed to do this but Miss Simmonds and Michelle didn't! They tried but we rocked it so bad that they thought they would end up in the murky waters!
It was a great day, as you can see from the pictures below. We can't wait to return there on Thursday!!
Setting the sail

"We are sailing!"

The Bellboaters!

Swapping seats... Scary!!

Ann after completing the teacher's challenge... "See, you didn't rock it hard enough!"

"Oh dear Miss Simmonds! Did we rock the boat too hard for you? Ha! Ha! Ha! ! "